Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hmm..needs more structure.  We'll see about tomorrow!


Back home.


How simplified can it get?


Something about the reflective marshlands is starting to come out and demand color from me. 


Something happened when I observed the sunset on Saturday night.  It was so beautiful I knew better than to ruin the memory with my less-than-ideal phone camera.  I needed to remember the light and colors.  This is a less than accurate depiction of what I saw, but a loose interpretation.  Anyway, it begged me to start using color.


The earth moves the way it needs to.


Perhaps there is something very spiritual about the landscape's beauty.  Ok, obvious statement, but it is not something I am reminded of very often.


Once my mom and I were settled, we were at the mercy of my wonderful aunts who offered to drive us to some touristy areas with shops and whatnot.  The best part (besides the food and conversation) was being able to gaze out the window and really take in the marshlands.


One of my aunts lives in, what I consider to be, paradise.  She has the perfect mix of woodsy backyard and beach front property.  My skilled uncle built their house for them - the whole back side of the house is windows and through those windows are white birch trees.  And through those birch trees is the ocean.  Beautiful.


I'm back from vacation!  This was the first drawing I did after my long road trip to Nova Scotia last Wednesday.  I did most of the driving so that didn't leave much room for landscape-gazing, but I did notice the beautiful rolling hills that seemed to go on forever.  A long cry from Fall River, that's for sure.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I haven't forgotten or abandoned you, 100 Days.  I've just been on vacation.  I'll have a whole weeks worth of drawings to post on Tuesday!  See you then.